ACPG strives to bring together Compliance Professionals across multiple disciplines and regulated industries in Guyana.

ACPG members come together to solve problems and share best practices and ways to improve the level of Compliance at their own institutions, while also raising the standard of the Compliance profession in Guyana.


  • Provide networking opportunities and information sharing for its members

  • Promote common standards of competence and application among Compliance Professionals

  • Promote the study, research, and development of the practice of compliance in Guyana

  • Liaise with regional and international compliance and other related associations on issues of mutual interest

  • Provide an avenue for the discussion of relevant changes and related issues in the regulatory and/or compliance environment

  • Provide relevant and practical training, education, and information, to Compliance Professionals in Guyana


Executive Committee

This committee acts as the steering committee of the association by providing oversight for the operations of the association and choosing members to serve on other committees. It consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Membership Committee

This committee is responsible for the recruitment of new members, creating strategies to retain members, organizing membership drives and campaigns, and conducting membership surveys.

Research Committee

This committee is responsible for the discussion of legal/regulatory changes, research into relevant aspects of the compliance profession, and conducting relevant discussions with supervisors and regulators.

Events Committee

This committee is responsible for organizing events, including annual meetings, conferences, seminars, webinars, workshops, networking events, and other educational-type events.